It's our Alaskan anniversary!

It's our Alaskan anniversary!
Believe it or not, we’ve made it a whole year! There’ve been some ups and downs, but all told it’s been an adventure worth having.

Four days driving from Colorado to Washington, five days in Bellingham WA waiting to board the ferry, four and a half days sail from Bellingham to Whittier AK. A sailing filled with amazing views, cool people, and two very seasick travel partners (the girls did soldier through it, just don’t ask them to go on a boat again).

Off-loading in Whittier at the end of winter, 6” of ice on the roads. Driving through a train tunnel (on the in-place tracks) and down onto the Kenai Peninsula. 

Frost heaves (they’re a thing, and when you don’t see ‘em coming it sucks)!

I got to play happy homemaker, waiting to hear from my new potential employer while Angela did her behavioral health gig. 

Lived in a great apartment complex with some amazing people (Otis made quite a few friends), a lot of whom Angela worked with.

Started the next chapter of my career 600mi away from Angela & Addie. Soon after Angela left her mental health position and is now running her own health and wellness business. 

Found a great house to make home, off the beaten path but not off-grid.
We learned that the KP/home gets most of its snow when I’m away, leaving Angela & Addie to deal with it. This is also the moment I was informed by Angela that she ain’t going full time off-grid!

Added a new “cuddly puppy” to the family, with the intent of Czarina having a little playmate to keep company and raise. Note: Cooper is now 8mo old, weighs over 70lb and will probably serve as transportation for the smaller grandkids while outside.

We’ve had minor catastrophes happen back in Colorado that we haven’t been able to personally attend to, and milestone events we’ve missed.

We’ve missed personal get-togethers, and have watched over Facetime as my best friend (aka grandson) grows into a teenager.

We’ve seen some of the most amazing vistas and animals ever, and apparently run an excellent restaurant for moose!

The decision to come here was easy, the getting here a bit of a challenge. Facing the new/unknown can sometimes be a bit scary, but we’re all about adventure. Here’s to what’s to come and bringing you along for the ride!

PS: We have a page dedicated to Alaska in the works. You'll get all the details on our move, fun things we've learned living here, and all the fun adventures! You can find that here. Check back frequently. We've got a lot to add!

PPS: We also just recently launched our first program. Check it out here and see if it’s for you!

Must haves for your every day drive (EDD) Fishing Kit

Must haves for your every day drive (EDD) Fishing Kit

Being a former Boy Scout, and working in a very rural environment, I’ve learned to keep a basic “survival fishing kit” in my vehicle all the time. This kit doesn’t have to be large and cumbersome. In fact, the kit I keep in our truck is contained in a small fanny pack. We've all heard of EDC, here we're going to discuss the EDD (Every Day Drive) kit.

Below I’ve listed all my must-haves. Keep reading to find out!

What’s in the kit

One of the first things I put in the kit was a method of making fire. Following the “Be Prepared” mantra, I have multiple methods for starting a fire. A ferrocerium (“ferro”) rod tops the list in this area, as even wet material will succumb to the extremely hot sparks put off by this material. Amazon has an excellent assortment of ferro rods in different dimensions. I’ve found that the ¼ inch or larger rods work best, but any port in a storm as they say!

The tried and true Bic style lighter obviously has a place in the fire kit. Because let’s face it, those things  last forever.

I’m a huge fan of Dave Canterbury, but on this next point he & I diverge just a bit. Old fashioned strike anywhere matches (when you can find them!) are a great method for fire starting (another Boy Scout hold over lol). Make sure that you waterproof the heads to avoid wet weather complications.

Believe it or not, there is a flint and steel kit in the fire bag as well, along with char cloth and jute.

Water and water purification methods are up next.

Stainless steel water bottles are my go-to. But if you’re just starting out or just want to keep it simple, store bought bottled water, plastic sports bottles, or a bota bag (personal fav) work fine. I keep water purification tablets in the kit in case I have to replenish with water I can’t boil first.

The food component is made up of trail mix, granola bars, pre-packaged “snack packs” (tuna, chicken, etc). Add a few tea bags & coffee pouches and you’re set.

Don’t forget the fishing gear

A small collapsible fishing rod & reel are obviously a main component, along with a good assortment of lures/bait/flies. There’s nothing wrong with a small Plano or similar compartment box to be able to expand the lures and goodies. In my kit I included a couple of the yo-yo style automatic reels. These things are great! not only will they double or triple your effort to reward (they set the hook) but you can also use them for triggers in light snares.

For a shelter component, I threw a couple of emergency space blankets (mylar) in, along with some 550 cord.

A small folding knife and a small flashlight round out the basic kit.

Ready for anything

I’m sure you’ve noticed it ain't all strictly fishing. The point is to not completely limit yourself, be ready for a multitude of potentials. Different situations, different kits!

Hope you find this useful! Feel free to comment with any questions and I’ll get back to you ASAP! 

2021 Adventures of Wild Barrys

2021 Adventures of Wild Barrys

Well, here we are at the end of 2021. Our year started out fast & furious, and we may have gotten a tad derailed. Oops

January saw us purchasing the tickets for our ferry trip to our new home in Alaska, and finishing those plans. March and April were a combination of great excitement, along with some sadness. We had to say goodbye (temporarily of course) to the grandkids, and then make a four day road trip to Washington, wait around, and then another four days on a ferry ride where the girls got acquainted with seasickness.

After arriving in Whittier, we headed across the Kenai Peninsula, ahead of a snowstorm. Kenai greeted us with feet of snow and long days, with the sun already setting around 8:00 PM. 

Angela immediately started her job in the mental health field, while I was the stay at home guy, waiting for my pre-employment process to finish. I finally was able to start my commute by plane job in Nome in June.

After eight months, we’ve gone through Angela switching jobs, all three of us catching that lovely ‘Rona, adjusting to the very much Alaskan lifestyle of me commuting back and forth 600 miles twice a month, getting settled into a new house, and adding another (very large) fur kid to the Wild Barrys family.

All in all it's been a hell of a ride!  And if you’d like to read more about our adventurous cross-country move, check out our last blog here

Now that all the major pieces are in place, and life is settling into somewhat of a more stable routine, I promise Wild Barrys will have even more stuff, including the online/digital store and publications. We’re excited to share all we’ve been learning about living a more self-sufficient life! And who knows? We may even throw in a course or two.

Happy New Year everyone, we’ll catch you at the opening of 2022!

The Road to Alaska

The Road to Alaska
Exactly one week ago we set off on a 13 day journey north, heading for our new home in Alaska. 

It’s been a fairly wild week, to be sure. Not insofar as mechanical problems or anything major, just some interesting things. 

To start off, we were about 4hrs late in departing, and we were not even close to being packed or having the family home cleaned up. Thank God for family & friends that I could never repay for their efforts and caring. 

After the obligatory traffic around Denver (even using E470) we made it to Casper. First road lesson…...these rigs eat fuel under a full load! 

Wyoming is a beautiful state, and they know how to maintain roads! Our first night was spent outside Casper. We were all exhausted and hungry, and this was the Ang's first “glamping” experience. A couple very minor water leak issues (dry seals) were our only mechanical issues. The next morning while fueling, I was amazed to discover that cashiers and clerks actually do still have faces (they believe in freedom!)

On to Montana! 

Mountains and wind made for interesting travels, and of course ate into the pocketbook. A tiny little town called Anaconda with a nearly perfect RV park hosted us for the night. The most epic views possible in the Lower 48 were ours as we traveled through Montana, making our way to Idaho.

Idaho had amazing views, but I was amazed that coming “down” from Montana, the decline never seemed to end. I swear we drove on a 5-7% decline for hours, must’ve been close to the center of the Earth!


Ok, I will be the first to say that the views that greeted me upon entering eastern Washington were NOTHING like any I”d ever imagined or even been told about. This was straight up the same geography as SE Colorado! As we crossed into the western part of the state heading for the port, the rain came in buckets, sheets, however you want to describe the most falling sky water ever!

Five days and a wake-up in an RV park near the port, waiting for the ferry boarding. Way too many people for this mountain/country boy, but I’ll manage. 

For the most part we’ve interacted with and met genuine friendly people (short term RV neighbors have been awesome), and a few complete douchebags, but such is life. 

Next time, it’s all about the ferry ride to our new home!

Moving to Alaska...the backstory

Moving to Alaska...the backstory

What causes a person to want something? What sparks a want or a dream?

Good questions, right?

When I was really young, I got a book as a gift called the Gnome from Nome. Great little book for a 5 year old.

In 1989, when Discovery Channel was also really young, there was a special aired called Alaska Turns 30. Apparently I loved that program a lot, because I ended up using one of our extremely rare blank VCR tapes to record it. (My baby sister still has the tape at the family home in NM. I was enamored with the visual beauty, the enormity of the state, and the frontier/”newness” of it. It really did stir something almost indescribable in me.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering where the Hell I’m going with all this……

We are 8 days away from making a ginormous move, and making Alaska the new, permanent home of the Wild Barrys clan. Angie and I were talking the other day about what to say to all of you, and I had the idea of composing a little backstory blog.

 In several of our previous posts, I’ve told you that I have a huge love and background in the outdoors. My Grandpa and I always used to say that we were born in the wrong era. I think he actually got the better end of the stick, because he was born in an era where he was able to leave home at 13, and rode on horseback to southern Colorado/northern New Mexico.

While we’ve had this in mind for a looooong time, this opportunity really did just kind of pop up on us. Angie got connected with a really great job opportunity (not much in her wheelhouse around here, in smaltown CO, if you catch my drift) & I have a few potentials.

A fairly easy decision to make, but difficult at the same time. A lifetime spent in a relatively small geographical area, a family history literally going back over 100 years here, an awesome job with amazing people… get the point.

Now, let’s pack up 3 people, 2 dogs, clothes, books, cooking/kitchen supplies, guns/ammo, fishing gear. Uggghhhh! You learn really quick what is vital and what is a want. How much that is of strictly sentimental value goes? What stays? It was starting that process that made me appreciate minimalists in a whole new way lol.

But, life changes and moves on. You really are going to want to check in and stay up to date with us. Angie has made it clear that we’re going to post and share everything possible with you guys.

 Buckle up, something tells me this is going to be an awesome ride. 

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