Well, here we are at the end of 2021. Our year started out fast & furious, and we may have gotten a tad derailed. Oops
January saw us purchasing the tickets for our ferry trip to our new home in Alaska, and finishing those plans. March and April were a combination of great excitement, along with some sadness. We had to say goodbye (temporarily of course) to the grandkids, and then make a four day road trip to Washington, wait around, and then another four days on a ferry ride where the girls got acquainted with seasickness.
After arriving in Whittier, we headed across the Kenai Peninsula, ahead of a snowstorm. Kenai greeted us with feet of snow and long days, with the sun already setting around 8:00 PM.
Angela immediately started her job in the mental health field, while I was the stay at home guy, waiting for my pre-employment process to finish. I finally was able to start my commute by plane job in Nome in June.
After eight months, we’ve gone through Angela switching jobs, all three of us catching that lovely ‘Rona, adjusting to the very much Alaskan lifestyle of me commuting back and forth 600 miles twice a month, getting settled into a new house, and adding another (very large) fur kid to the Wild Barrys family.
All in all it's been a hell of a ride! And if you’d like to read more about our adventurous cross-country move, check out our last blog here.
Now that all the major pieces are in place, and life is settling into somewhat of a more stable routine, I promise Wild Barrys will have even more stuff, including the online/digital store and publications. We’re excited to share all we’ve been learning about living a more self-sufficient life! And who knows? We may even throw in a course or two.
Happy New Year everyone, we’ll catch you at the opening of 2022!